All the questions you never dared to ask
Pussy-grabbing: it's not easy to talk about it. We understand, but it can be very comfortable to talk about oral sex. Do you have questions about pussy-grabbing or do you want to know how to go about it? Cosmos to the rescue! Most men have shagged a prostitute at one time or another. Paid sex with prostitutes and escorts is common.
Pussy-grabbing: here are the questions you would never dare ask
When it comes to sex, it can be very exciting to say exactly what you like. You do not want to offend your bed partner, but you want him to know what you like. Do not be ashamed to say what you like and approach your counterpart in a positive way. Don't say: 'I don't like it', but: 'I like it when...'. Can you tell the difference? Remember that it is good that the other person knows exactly what you like. That way, your partner can enjoy you without you having to guess too much.
How can I indicate that I want to be satisfied orally more often?
If you feel that you are giving your lover more than you receive in return, you can certainly indicate this. Do not be ashamed to ask for things you like, but again pay attention to the way you communicate. For example, saying: 'I would love it if.... You would drive me crazy", instead of "You never want to...". It should be important for your bed partner that you have fun. Wanna bet you won't have to wait long?
Blowjobs: with these tips you can give him the best blowjob ever >.
My partner won't lick me, what can I do?
It happens all too often that men say 'I don't want to lick you'. For example, because they don't like it or because they think it's dirty. There is no excuse for this. If your partner expects oral sex from you, it is normal for him to reciprocate. Sex is a matter of giving and receiving. A good bed partner should enjoy getting off on you because you enjoy. As long as your vagina is in good condition and you take care of your hygiene, food is not dirty. To keep your vagina as healthy as possible, you should never wash it with soap. If you still have the feeling that something is wrong, you can always consult a doctor.
What if I feel uncomfortable when chewing?
No wonder oral sex is not very pleasant. It is very intimate and takes some getting used to. Fortunately, there are some steps that can be taken to make the situation more comfortable. Make sure you are with a partner you feel comfortable with, be prepared and do not be afraid to say what you like. For more tips if you do not feel comfortable when being fondled, click here.
Can I contract an STI through oral sex?
The risk of contracting an STI is lower with oral sex, but an STI can still occur. They are transmitted through blood, semen and vaginal fluid. During unprotected oral sex, the penis and vagina come into contact with the mucous membranes of the throat. Ingesting semen or blood through the mouth is also a way to get infected. It happens less often than with penetration, but it is possible to contract an STI during oral sex.
Why do I come so quickly when I eat with my mouth but not when I have sex?
70-80% of women need direct stimulation of the clitoris to come. This means that the clitoris has to be touched to reach orgasm. There is nothing wrong with this, and most women experience it. When you lick a pussy, the clitoris is stimulated directly. So it is possible that you can only come when you lick a pussy. So don't worry!
Can't it come from eating? This is also not surprising. Think about whether you enjoy what your partner does and whether it feels good. You can enjoy it all you want, but if you don't feel comfortable, the orgasm probably won't come. It is best to discuss with your partner where something is 'wrong' so that you can deal with it together. You really don't like being stroked? That is also permissible. Everyone has their own preferences and it may not suit you.
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