Software Freedom Law Center and Conservancy
Before I start, I would like to make it clear that the below is entirely my personal view, and not necessarily that of the GNOME Foundation, the Debian Project, or anyone else. There’s been...
Before I start, I would like to make it clear that the below is entirely my personal view, and not necessarily that of the GNOME Foundation, the Debian Project, or anyone else. There’s been...
Delayed update Firstly, an apology – I’ve been rather lax about doing these updates. I’ll try and highlight more happenings in the project more frequently in future. GUADEC Birthday party In August it will...
New release! In case you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a new GNOME release – 3.24! The release is the result of 6 months’ work by the GNOME community. The new release is a...
Conferences After quite a bit of work, we finally have the sponsorship brochure produced for GUADEC and GNOME.Asia. Huge thanks to everyone who helped, I’m really pleased with the result. Again, if you or your company...
As mentioned in my previous post, I’ll be posting regularly with an update on what I’ve been up to as the GNOME Executive Director, and highlighting some cool stuff around the project! If you...
For those who haven’t heard, I’ve been appointed as the new Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation, and I started last week on the 15th February. It’s been an interesting week so far, mainly...