GNOME ED update – Week 9

As mentioned in my previous post, I’ll be posting regularly with an update on what I’ve been up to as the GNOME Executive Director, and highlighting some cool stuff around the project!

If you find this dull, they’re tagged with [update-post] so hopefully, you can filter them out. And dear folk – if this annoys you too much I can turn the feed category to turn this off it’s not interesting enough :) However, if you like these or have any suggestions for things you’d like to see here, let me know.


One of the areas we’ve been working on is the sponsorship brochure for GUADEC and GNOME.Asia. Big thanks to Allan Day and the Engagement team for helping out here – and I’m pleased to say it’s almost finished! In the meantime, if you or your company are interested in sponsoring us, please drop a mail to!


A fairly lengthy and wide-ranging interview with myself has been published at It covers a bit of my background (although mistakenly says I worked for Collabora Productivity, rather than Collabora Limited!), and looks at a few different areas on where I see GNOME and how it sits within the greater GNU/Linux movement – I cover “some uncomfortable subjects around desktop Linux”. It’s well worth a read.

Release update

The GNOME 3.24 release is happening soon! As such, the release team announced the string freeze. If you want to help out with how much has been translated into your language, then is a good place to start. I’d like to give a shout out to the translation teams in particular too. Sometimes people don’t realise how much work goes into this, and it’s fantastic that we’re able to reach so many more users with our software.

Google Summer of Code

GNOME is now announced as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code! There are some great ideas for Summer (Well, in the Northern hemisphere anyway) projects, so if you want to spend your time coding on Free Software, and get paid for it, why not sign up as a student?

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